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Cement Pro


Key Benefits

  • Increases the Strength & Durability of Concrete and Cement Mortar
  • Helps to produce concrete with lower cement with similar strength and durability.
  • Helps to produce concrete with lower water cement ratio, higher strength and durability and workability of normal mix design.
  • Suitable for fresh concrete and hardened concrete

Pack Size

1 ltr., 5 ltrs., 10 ltrs., 20 ltrs.

How To Use

You can prepare the surface by ensuring it is clean and free from any contaminants. Next, mix Agarwal Build Care Cement Pro with water in the recommended ratio until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Then, apply the mixture onto the surface using a trowel or brush, ensuring even coverage.

After application, protect the surface from drying too quickly by using a polythene sheet or curing compound. Allow the applied Cement Pro to dry, considering factors like temperature and humidity.

Once dry, perform any desired finishing touches, such as sanding or painting. It is crucial to adhere to the instructions and safety guidelines for optimal results.

Agarwal Build Care Cement Pro is known for its durability, strength, workability, and resistance to water and chemicals, making it a preferred choice for construction projects of various scales.


Agarwal Build Care Cement Pro is a revolutionary product in the construction industry that has gained immense popularity for its exceptional quality and numerous benefits. Designed to meet the demands of modern construction projects, Cement Pro offers unmatched durability, strength, and versatility.

One of the key features of Agarwal Build Care Cement Pro is its exceptional compressive strength, which ensures long-lasting structures that can withstand heavy loads and adverse environmental conditions. Whether it's constructing high-rise buildings, bridges, or infrastructure projects, Cement Pro provides the necessary strength and stability.

Moreover, Cement Pro offers excellent workability, making it easier for contractors and builders to handle and shape during construction. This attribute allows for precise placement and finishing, resulting in superior-quality structures.

Agarwal Build Care Cement Pro is also known for its exceptional resistance to water and chemicals, making it an ideal choice for projects that require protection against corrosion and moisture damage. It makes it suitable for applications in areas exposed to harsh weather conditions or chemical exposure.

Another noteworthy characteristic of Cement Pro is its low heat of hydration, which minimizes the risk of thermal cracking in concrete structures. It ensures enhanced durability and reduces the need for maintenance and repairs in the long run.

With Agarwal Build Care's Cement Pro, builders and contractors can become confident in delivering high-quality, durable structures that stand the test of time. The combination of strength, workability, and resistance to water and chemicals make it a preferred choice for construction projects of all scales.

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